The Yellow Brick Road Foundation
The Yellow Brick Road Foundation is all about the path to success and happiness for those less privileged than we might be.

Not everyone gets the chance to follow their yellow brick road and whilst we can't fix this for everyone (as much as we'd like to), one of our absolute goals is to try and change this for those we can reach out to.
A percentage of each sale we make goes towards our Yellow Brick Road Foundation. The aim is to give a little back to under-priviledged children. Nothing gives us more joy than to see the smiles on the children's faces, enjoying themselves with paint, creativity and their imaginations. And you'll have had a part to play in that. We couldn't do it without you. THANK YOU.

We work with local charities and orphanages and take The Yellow Brick Road experience to them. Whilst our overall objective is for the kids to just have the best day ever, creating and painting, we also try to inspire them to reach for their yellow brick road, their path to success and happiness, whatever that may be. Empowering them to see that they can reach for their dreams.